Attack of the Goats

Been busy shoring up the holes in the hedges at Clayhanger. The neighbours goats decided to strip all the Willow we had planted inside protected areas.
They had mobbed the fencing to gain access.
Have re-enforced the field fencing and put a dead hedge behind it which included Hawthorne to deter them.
Got to back now and do another corner and that will buy us a little time to sort out the rest.

Lakeside Ninita

A couple of photographs of Lakeside Ninita, a nice grower across between a mini and a small. The 2 plants in the second photograph shows a small Ninita which has been kept in more sun and been bonsaied compared to the normally grown one.

Refreshing award winning Hosta

Refurbishing this Hosta Lakeside Babyface that got planted 2 and a half years ago in this mug. This was also the Hosta in the Mug, which won the Bellman Memorial Cup at Taunton Flower Show in 2022.

The pot was absolutely full, so we split it and refreshed the compost to freshen everything and re- invigorate it.

Shrewsbury Flower Show August 2024

Just had a few minutes before going back to watering and feeding. Had a wonderful time at the Shrewsbury Flower Show, Friday and Saturday. Nice to see Vicky from New Forest and Paul from Brookfield Plants there, and catch up.
The people were extremely welcoming and lovely to talk to. Lots to see, and Tom from Tom’s Yard remembered the brochures. Highly enjoyable time had by all.

Hosta and Hemerocallis Society AGM 2024

Yesterday I attended the British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society AGM held at Broadward Hall Gardens, Shropshire set in beautiful countryside. Where our hosts Caro and Anthony were most gracious and allowed us to spend time in their walled garden containing The National Collection of
Historic English-bred Hemerocallis.
Caro gave us a fascinating presentation about the history and efforts they have undertaken to develop and preserve their wall garden and their National Collection.
The AGM was held, won’t go into the detail here, the minutes will be available to society members once they have been written.
Finally we had cake, tea and coffee to set us up in preparation of the plant auction. There was a lovely collection provided by members and some unusual varieties available. I of course purchased 7 Hostas, which included an Original Stock June provided by June Colley.

Hay Making July 2024

Well if you were wondering why we have been a bit quiet, it is because we have been making hay in the 3 and a half field. We got more hay then I had anticipated 410 small bales! This is the first time I have made hay for 30 years, so a little tired now. Ashley and Belinda did a brilliant job of turning, rowing and collecting the bales, when collecting and moving the bales you end up shifting them multiple times, so I moved about 600 bales between stacking, loading, and off loading. I must confess I was slowing down at the end, and Ashley and Belinda finished the last 100 at about midnight.
But all in all a mad rush, but weirdly exciting and satisfying once finished. Small bales are an old fashioned way of farming, but nothing beats it.