Sowing Seeds in June 2024

Well, I thought I would finally sow the meadow seeds. Looked at the weather forecast, and it looks damp for the next few weeks. Temperatures are more like spring than summer. Since the 5 acre had been cut for silage, it was the right height for chain harrowing, hand sowing, and finally, chain harrowing over the top.
In farming you have to take advantage of what the weather brings you. It was supposed to be in the other field. We were supposed to do it last September, then this spring. Hey, ho pip and dandy.
By the way, my Dad was born in Morton in the Marsh.

Flower Spikes Showing

Goes to show how mild this winter has been as in amongst this tray several Twist of Lime and Lemon and Limes have chosen to start flowering!
We will be preparing and checking stock for Mapperton Plant Fair tomorrow, so let us know if you would like us to bring any particular varieties with us. So far we have had a request for Catherine and Diana Remembered.

All Quiet on the West Country Front

Haven’t posted much for a little while as have been busy potting thousands of Hostas over the last 2 weeks. Finally finished that and am now looking forward to our first event of the year.
We will be attending Burrow Farm Gardens Spring Show this Sunday 31st March. Nervous and excited, because it has been a while since our last event at Malvern last September, but looking forward to meeting people and sharing stories about Hostas.

Chillie and Garlic mix!

Well here is a 2 litre concentrate of our Garlic and Chilie mix. It actually smells quite nice when your making it and not so garlicy. We used 1 table spoon of chilie flakes per bulb of garlic.
Sprayed now, so I will let you know how we get on.
Now you are wondering why use this mix rather than the pure Garlic mix? Well the chilie is a recommended additive to deter rabbits and deer from eating your plants. In this case we are doing it to deter mice and shrews.

Look what I found!

Was doing the usual checks on the Hostas and came across this, a Kiwi Hippo that had been munched, however it wasn’t slugs and snails it was a mouse or shrew. So, I’m going to use the modified garlic solution to deal with this. If you add some chilli flakes to the garlic, brew, then this should deter them. I’ll let you know how I get on. This is the method for dealing with rabbits and deer, so hopefully, it should work for the little ones.