New Hostas Arrived

New Hostas arriving about 200 of them.
Blue Mouse Ears
Blue Umbrellas
Captain Kirk
Cracker Crumbs
Dark Star
Designer Genes
Emily Dickinson
First Frost
Lakeside Babyface
Lakeside Ninita
Lakeside Spellbinder
Randy Rachel
Sea Dream
Some of them will be available for sale this year, whilst others are to provide growing stock for the future.

The storms finally caught up with us.

Well we thought we’d got off lightly with the storms so far this year, Dudley, Eunice but Franklin caught us out as our Milverton site where most of our Hostas are grown is wooded. We have spent the last 3 years improving the general health of the trees, but Franklin came suddenly changed direction from Westerly and South Westerly to North Westerly and one of the big Oak trees that is in our Bi-Way boundary came down.

So a few nice gentleman and myself spent yesterday clearing a lot of wood yesterday. The life of keeping Hostas. No Hostas were harmed in this process.

A big Thank you to Rob and David for helping and to be honest doing most of the work, I was just the help.

Progress with Mini growing at Milverton

The Minis we have been growing outside under shade netting have started to show themselves. Most of these are at our Woodland site near Milverton and grown under shade netting. With the weather forecast for the moment we have been putting some fleece over them to protect from overnight frosts.

Very pleased with progress with these as it is our first year of growing a large number of minis at our Milverton site, previous to this we would have grown all of them at our Taunton site with more protection.

List of New Hostas for 2022

Managed to put together the list of new Hostas available for 2022. They will need to settle down a bit, but hopefully once we get through March and April we should know where we stand:
Abiqua Drinking Gourd
August Moon
Autumn Frost (R)
Bedford Blue
Blue Umbrellas
Blue Vision
Captain Kirk
Designer Genes
Devon Gold
Devon Green
Dinner Jacket
Funny Mouse
Giantland Mouse Cheese
Glory hallelujah
Golden Tiara
June Fever (R)
Lakeside Baby Face
Lakeside Spellbinder
Paul’s Glory
Sherborne Swift
Sum and Substance
Sunny Halcyon

Miniature Outside Overwintering Trial

A Hosta Ballerina picking up early. Having to put fleece over it though. This was one of the trials with the minis outside this year, underneath a shade netting enclosure, so pleased with progress at the moment.
Several of the varieties that have been done this way seem to have strengthened up the plant, whilst others have suffered, going to be interesting to see what the results are like this spring.

Events for 2022

Well we said that we had been planning this, but due to events beyond our control it got put back, so we have had 2 of our events confirmed so we will be attending the following plantfairs:
Sunday 10th April 2022- Mapperton House, Dorset
Saturday 7th May 2022 – Yarlington, Somerset
We have 3 other events that we are aiming to attend in Devon and Somerset.
1 in Devon in July
2 in Somerset in August.
Wish us luck, and hopefully we look forward to meeting many of you in the coming months.
In the meantime we have 2 large orders of Hostas arriving in March, and many of our existing Hostas are growing well, and looking forward to seeing them soon.
Some of them have started to grow, so there is fleece everywhere.

Early Risers

Happy New Year to everybody. Got an exciting year to come. Hoping to go to a few local shows and plant fairs in Devon, Somerset and Dorset this year. Will give further details once our bookings are confirmed.

In the meantime due to the mild weather some of our Hostas have risen a little early this year, so getting the fleece at the ready.