An update on the Hosta June that we took out of the terrarium. Its looking rather nice at the moment.
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Look what I found!
Was doing the usual checks on the Hostas and came across this, a Kiwi Hippo that had been munched, however it wasn’t slugs and snails it was a mouse or shrew. So, I’m going to use the modified garlic solution to deal with this. If you add some chilli flakes to the garlic, brew, then …
Changeover to Plant Sales
We have changed the website and have stopped bare root sales and changed over to plant sales.Thankyou to everyone that purchased bare root Hostas, we will be shipping them to you over the next few weeks.The website only has a few potted Hosta varieties currently available but more, will be added each week as they …
More Hostas waking up.
More and more of the #hostas are waking up, Dixie Chick, Golden Tiara, Cracker Crumbs, Guacamole and Goldrush. Just to remind you that there is always a chance of the temperatures falling back again and all these hostas are grown outdoors so fleeces at the ready.
Garlic Drench Time
Well it is that time of year again, Valentines day, February 14th and it is time to start drenching Garlic into the pots to give you that head start for the year.Why do we do this? Well by starting the process now it affects the eggs of slugs and snails that are in the pots …
2 days since Hosta June was taken out.
Well it has been 2 days since June has been in the seed growing booth and as you can see it is growing fast and furious. Will try and acclimatize it outside again once the extremes of the weather have settled down. But on the positive side it is nice to see fresh Hostas leaves.
Update on the Terrarium
Well had to take one of the Hostas out of the new Terrarium as the Small Hosta in it has grown exceedingly well. I think that since the depth of soil in the Terrarium is deeper than we would normally have it hasn’t Bonsaied the Hostas as much as previous Terrariums.So here is the one …
Here are our event dates for 2024
6th April – Forde Abbey Spring Plant Fair14th April – Mapperton House -Plant Fair27th & 28th April – Dorset Spring Show (Attending as South Hele Cross Farm)3rd & 4th May – Powerderham Castle Tobey’s Garden Festival11th May – Yarlington House – Plant Fair12th May – RHS Rosemoor – Devon Plant Heritage16th to 18th May – …
Terrarium for 2024
Well, here is the new hosta terrarium for 2024. This was put together over the weekend and is much larger than our Teapot terrariums. It was put together over the weekend after acclimatising the 3 Hostas in here. I won’t tell you what they are yet. I’ll let you discover as we go through the …
Bare Root Hosta Sale
Our Bare Root Hosta offering will end on February 15th and we will be changing our website over to potted Hosta pricing after this date. So to celebrate the beginning of the new Hosta growing season we thought we would offer you a discount of 15% off all bare root orders. Please note that all …