Happy New Year to everyone, I hope that you have had some Christmas cheer in these difficult times we find ourselves in.
We have been keeping quite quiet on the internet just like our Hostas we have been waiting for the eruption of the new year. Behind the scenes we have been looking after our new collections of Hostas. We currently have over 2,000 plants tucked up for the winter across 2 sites in Taunton, and 1 at Milverton. We have about 500 small/miniatures (with some starting to grow already!), with the rest being the larger varieties.
We now have over 130 varieties, many of them available for sale, whilst the remaining we are building up stock and bringing on for another year.
Some highlights for this coming year:
- Allow pre-arranged visits to our Milverton site.
- Upgrade and improve our website.
- Increase the amount of information available to our customers and friends.
- Covid permitting attend several plant fairs in the South West.
- A monthly competition during the growing season.

As mentioned before some of our Hostas are champing at the bit. Here is Hosta Ballerina getting ready to unfurl it’s leaves. I haven’t had any Hostas out at this time of year before most surprise!
Excellent blog post.
I absolutely love this website.
Keep writing!
Thanks much appreciated. Mike