Well as promised here are some photographs about receiving a shipment from our supplier. We took lots of photographs, so I won’t put all on as it would be like watching paint dry. I’ll show you how they arrive, and then putting 2 varieties in their pots. You’re so Vain and Sapphire Pillows.
Damaged Box Potted Whirlwinds Devon Greens Potted Praying Hands Potted Junes Payring Hands June Pamela Lee Potted Touch of Class Touch of Class Snow Boy Little Helper Potted Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Potted You’re so Vein You’re so Vein You’re so Vein Potted Mouse Capades Mouse Capades Snapped Whirlwinds Damaged Whirlwinds Damaged Whirlwinds Damaged Whirlwinds Hostas as arrived Hostas as arrived.