A new small batch of Patriots for the propagator. Nothing to loose and it will be interesting to see how they develop over the next 2 weeks.
September 2nd Hosta Leafs
Was waiting for some things to finish this morning, and noticed the dew drops on the leaves of the Hostas. You can almost feel the beginning of Autumn. Still potting on and splitting Hostas at the moment. Busy, busy.
August 23rd Limey Lisas from Propagator
Thought I’d show you the lineup of Limey Lisas that were in the propagator and have developed into new plants.
August 23rd Update on Krossa Regal
I thought I’d give a little update on the small Krossa Regal plantlet that was in the propagator.
August 18th Hosta Pictures after Rain
Since the temperatures have reduced and the rainfall has increased the Hostas have perked up no end, so I thought I would put together some pictures to show you how several of them have improved. Before this weather break some of them were really suffering.
August 13th Propagator Plants
Here are 2 new photographs of a small cutting from the propagator. Originally this was a stem with some leaf of a Krossa Regal which had the tiniest bit of node at the end of it. Now you can see that the stem as died completely back and the resultant node has grown a new growth shoot. In the propagator it looked like a dead stem, once we removed the module low and behold a lovely new plantlet. This is now going back into the propagator for a few more days to strengthen up and then we will bring out and pot on.
August 8th Praying Hands
Another one of the new arrivals is Praying Hands looks more like a clump of grass than the traditional Hosta with its glossy green twisted leaves on upright stems with a very narrow white border. This makes a very striking unusual sight when several are grouped together.
Flower: Lavender
Height: 100cm
Spread: 120cm
Position: Sun, Partial Shade
August 7th Rock Island Line
Thought I’d start introducing some of the new additions we have received. This is another nice little Hosta which looks great in person – Rock Island Line. It has started to settle down after we received them a week ago and potted them up.
Hosta Rock Island Line is a tiny Hosta with sharp contrasting creamy white margin. Leaves are slightly shiny on the top, flat, ovate, rounded at base, with green stems. This is a great grower and is ideal for ground coverage or in pots.
Flower: Lavender
Height: 15 – 20cm
Spread: 30 – 40cm
Position: Partial Shade
August 4th
Its been a couple days now, so here is a quick look to see how the plants are settling down.
August 2nd 2020 Pictures of new Hostas
Well as promised here are some photographs about receiving a shipment from our supplier. We took lots of photographs, so I won’t put all on as it would be like watching paint dry. I’ll show you how they arrive, and then putting 2 varieties in their pots. You’re so Vain and Sapphire Pillows.
Damaged Box Potted Whirlwinds Devon Greens Potted Praying Hands Potted Junes Payring Hands June Pamela Lee Potted Touch of Class Touch of Class Snow Boy Little Helper Potted Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Sapphire Pillows Potted You’re so Vein You’re so Vein You’re so Vein Potted Mouse Capades Mouse Capades Snapped Whirlwinds Damaged Whirlwinds Damaged Whirlwinds Damaged Whirlwinds Hostas as arrived Hostas as arrived.